Fontaine and his, wife Phébée at the Fontaine's Landing mill
of Hearst collection; picture donated by Mrs. Jeanine Fontaine-Guérin) |
moving to Ontario, Noé Fontaine owned and operated three sawmills
in Sully, Québec, which were all destroyed by fire. In the early
20s, Noé and his family moved to Kapuskasing. Noé then built
a small sawmill north of Kapuskasing that functioned for about four years.
In 1926, the Fontaines moved to Harty where they operated a new sawmill
until 1934.
year, Noé Fontaine, his son Zacharie and their respective families
moved from Harty to Mattice where they built a sawmill and a planer.
logging rights on public land, they obtained timber from settlers. Finished
lumber was then sold in Timmins.
many lobbying efforts, Noé and Zacharie Fontaine obtained logging
rights in Hanlan Township in 1936. René Fontaine, Zacharie's son,
donated by
Société historique)
"The Liberal
Party ascended to power in '34 with (Mitchell) Hepburn. In the following
years, Mr. Habel (Joseph), who was then a young MPP, originally from Fauquier,
convinced the Premier and the Minister of Lands and Forests to grant small
licences to small companies, not only bigger ones like Spruce Falls and
Abitibi (Paper)."
boat used by Fontaine Lumber to transport wood
donated by Mrs. Jeanne Forcier)
obtaining the aforementioned licence the Fontaines moved their mill from
Mattice to the location that is known today as Fontaine's Landing ("Passe-à-Fontaine"
in French; the location was also known as camp 1 in Ryland). They built
camps, a store, a kitchen ("cookery") and a stable for horses. Workers
and their families spent all winter in the bush. René Fontaine explains:
Lumber sawmill at Lac Sainte.Thérèse, 1941
from the Notre-Dame de l'Assomption Parish souvenir album, 1969)
were no roads. We went up there in the fall through the lakes before they
froze and we got out of there in the spring."
marked the founding of Fontaine Lumber and Timber, which included 5 owners:
Noé and his wife Phébée, Zacharie and his wife Laura,
and Roméo Fontaine, Noé's brother.
1941, lumber from the Fontaine's Landing mill was transported by truck
or by train to the planer in Mattice. In 1942, the planer was moved to
Hearst, more precisely to a location that is presently occupied by Villeneuve
Construction's cement plant. |
logs onto a truck
Ronaldo Fournier; right: René Fontaine
de Hearst et de la région collection;
donated by Mr. René Fontaine)
1941, Fontaine Lumber and Timber built a new sawmill in Lac Sainte.Thérèse,
which operated until 1955. The offices, a store, the kitchen and two dormitories
were located in front of the church. The company also built the Kabina
River mill, which was later sold to Willie Létourneau (and subsequently
to J. D. Levesque). For a few years, the
Fontaines also owned a portable mill on the west side of Nagagami River
and a mill south of Val Côté during World War II, where aspen
was sawed for export to England.
Landing mill, 1954
de Hearst et de la région collection;
donated by Mr. René Fontaine)
several years, the Fontaine's Landing (Ryland) mill was operational during
the winter while the Lac Sainte.Thérèse mill worked in the
summer. Later, the Fontaine's Landing mill functioned year round.
camps were installed along Lakes Pivabiska and Wolverine. Logging operations
took place mainly in the winter. Timber was transported in winter by small
tractors to the Ryland mill. During the summer, logs were loaded on to
barges and pulled by boat to the sawmill. Wood from Pivabiska Lake was
transported to the Lac Sainte.Thérèse mill and wood from
Wolverine Lake to the Fontaine's Landing mill.
Noé Fontaine's death in 1946, Zacharie Fontaine took possession
of Fontaine Lumber and Timber. Starting in the 1950s he received the help
of his son René. In 1954, they closed the Lac Sainte.Thérèse
mill and increased production at the Fontaine's Landing mill. They built
the Fontaine's Landing road in 1957.
Fontaine bought his father's mill the following year and, after 20 years
of operation at Fontaine's Landing, moved the machinery north of Calstock
on Roger's access road, after having obtained logging rights in that area.
He operated the sawmill under the name Polar Lumber. Zacharie remained
responsible for the Hearst planer. |
of Hearst collection)
Lumber's Hearst sawmill, built in the mid-60s
de Hearst et de la région collection;
donated by Mr. René Fontaine)
1964, René Fontaine undertook the construction of a new sawmill
in Hearst. The mill was operational the following year, coinciding with
Zacharie's death. René Fontaine then partnered up with Émile
Joanis, his brother-in-law, who had previously purchased logging rights
owned by Arrow Timber, an American company. They formed the F. & J.
Lumber (Fontaine and Joanis) company. Following Émile Joanis' accidental
death in 1968, his widow, Lauryanne, took charge of the company.
Joanis, co-owner of Arrow Timber from 1968 to 1990
rare feminine presence in the history of the region's sawmills
donated by Mrs. Lauryanne Joanis)
1969, Roland Cloutier left Levesque Lumber
to become partner and manager of Arrow Timber. The same year, Réal
Levesque, owner of Hearst Transport & Lumber, joined René Fontaine,
Lauryanne Joanis and Roland Cloutier to form the United Sawmill company.
However, the following year, Réal Levesque left United Sawmill to
take over Levesque Lumber from his father,
J. D., who was retiring. Charles Lecours, owner of Deep Forest Products,
bought out Réal's shares in United Sawmill.
Charles Lecours
donated by Mr. Charles Lecours)
Roland Cloutier
donated by Mr. Roland Cloutier)
of the partners in United Sawmill Ltd.
1982, the companies, which up to this point had operated separately, united
to operate under the sole name of United Sawmill Co. Ltd. In 1990 the company
was sold to Malette Inc. of Timmins. Malette was subsequently bought by
Tembec Inc. of Abitibi in 1994.